Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Real Tough...Real Rough

I have recently been forced to deal with all things real...some tough and some rough. Sadly those close to me are having to deal with those things too. My reality is different than what many may have wanted or expected, but it's not theirs to change or judge. I have made choices and I am at TOTAL peace with each and every one!
Where it gets rough for me is when my reality gets tossed in the mix with someone else's. I don't think this is fair and I am putting an end to it. I am ending a marriage; it's a done deal. I don't want to ask for prayers for healing for my marriage...those times have passed. All I want is prayers for peace and healing and friendship. This may sound harsh, but again this is my I have been living in and one you can't understand unless you could see in my brain or feel the wounds in my heart. I have been able to put all of that down and move forward.
My reality now is that God has shown himself more to me in the process of divorce than I have felt in years. I had honestly almost felt and practically believed I had been forgotten...not just by people but by God. Clearly that was not true. I now believe that the journey I took made me stronger by making me feel my weakest. It gave me appreciation for what I want and desire that I may not have had before. I am more compassionate to others feelings, perceptions, and circumstances because I have had an inside look at the horrors of tribulation and trials. I am more eager and anxious to love again where I thought I might be afraid. I am working on my inner demons that have haunted me since I was a child and am really trying to set them down. I have witnessed pain and I can be sensitive to it. I fought hard and I can appreciate others battles.
It's tough to have to hurt others in your own quest to healing and happiness. I can't be forced to carry someone's guilt, or to feel bad for their burden. We all make choices, we all have consequences. I don't desire bad things on anyone, in all honesty I would be happy to just all get along...leave the past at the door and try to just get through tomorrows. I know God has taken people out of my life, but I also know he has placed some in his always perfect timing. I know it's tough and I know it's rough, but my reality is going from grey sky's and storms to rainbows and starlight. God didn't forget me...I needed to go through the entire journey to appreciate what was on the other side.

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